Manifesting Wealth: 35 Money Affirmations That Work

Money Affirmations

When we were children, we believed anything was possible. The world was at our feet and our life seemed like a canvas that we got to paint on however we wished. 

But, as we grew older, we realized that life is nowhere near as fun and exhilarating as it used to be when we were children. A part of that has to do with the limiting beliefs we were told when we were young that no longer help us or serve us.

Today we will look at money beliefs that we hold and how to change them through the power of affirmations. 

Why Should You Try Money Affirmations 

First things first, let’s address the elephant in the room: everybody wants to be rich, free, and well-off towards a fairytale life. But with the many responsibilities we face as adults, the global pandemic that happened in 2019, and the inflation on the rise, we can presumably say that the goal of acquiring wealth seems to get further and further away from us. 

And who’s to blame? With expenses on the rise, there’s only so much you can cut out from your life, that sooner or later you’ll need to find other solutions. 

One solution to the snowball effect of economic problems we now face in 2023 is to practice some money affirmations in order to change our mindset and perspective about how we attract wealth in our life.

It may seem quite woo-woo stuff to you if you are hearing this for the first time, but let me be the one to tell you that these money affirmations actually work, provided you know how to use them wisely. 

With so many reasons to do them, let’s go ahead and dive directly into what money affirmations are and how to use them for maximum effect. 

What are Money Affirmations

Money affirmations (or mantras) are short, powerful statements that are created with potent NLP techniques in order for you to change your mindset about wealth and therefore to change your life. 

Why do I say potent NLP techniques? Because there’s a catch: some money statements will simply not work if the language you are using goes against the language that the brain is automatically programmed to understand.

For example, the brain cannot process negations such as “no”. Therefore, if you start a money affirmation with “I am NOT poor”, your brain simply ignores the word “not” and tries to find all evidence of how you are poor. 

Now that’s not something we want, isn’t it?

However, if you know how to speak to your brain in an decoded way that it understands, your brain will soon start looking for evidence of how these affirmations are true for you. 

How Money Affirmations Work 

Mantras (or affirmations) work the same way any belief works: the more rooted the belief, the less likely you are to believe otherwise. The brain, therefore, goes to look for evidence of that affirmation or mantra in order to prove it (or even disprove it!). 

The more evidence you collect, the more your view of reality gets fixed and a belief is then formed.

This will make more sense if you look at how the brain is programmed to shape your reality. Let’s get started.

How the Brain Works

The brain is formed by 2 major parts: the conscious brain and the subconscious. The conscious brain is in charge of bringing awareness to all senses and experiences you have in the present moment, from cognitive skills (such as thinking, learning, understanding, replying) all the way to abstract skills (such as planning, foreseeing, predicting, and thinking of the past/future). 

The subconscious, on the other hand, is in charge of things like keeping your heart beating, making your legs work while you walk, breathing, and all sorts of tasks that the body does without us thinking about it and doing anything to propel the action. It also stores memories, beliefs, and experiences in the past that shape the way your neurocircuitry is formed as well as how you view the world today. 

How Beliefs Shape Your Life 

A belief, by definition, is simply a thought you thought of so much that it no longer requires any effort to think about it anymore. By now, it has become a belief. 

From a visual point of view, a belief is a set of neurons that have wired and fired together so much that the energy that travels through it, travels at lightning speed. 

On the other hand, a conscious thought you have that isn’t a belief yet, has neurocircuitry that hasn’t glued and formed to that level. 

Simply put, your conscious thoughts that are new to you, are like dirt paths in a forest that haven’t been cleared and have not been made into a highway. The only way you travel through them is by foot and with a knife, ready to cut any bushes or spines appearing in your way. 

On the other hand, the thoughts you have (conscious or subconscious) that you believe in (therefore they formed a belief by now), are like highways: you’ve paved the road, cleared the way, and built a highway so that it no longer requires effort to go on that path. Now you own a car and travel the highway at a highly noticeable speed compared to the dirt path in the forest. 

The Brain in Action

The majority of our life experiences are shaped to match our beliefs we hold, especially those subconscious ones. 

Why? Because the brain has one major role in life: to attract and bring into your experience that which you believe in so that you can either experience it and have more of it or change it by changing your thoughts about it and therefore your reality too. The latter part is where evolution and personal development come in. 

The reason why most beliefs are installed in our neurocircuitry at a young age is because we don’t have a filtering system that allows us to filter what information we want to believe in and what information we want to delete. 

Without that filter, children are prone to believing anything they hear. That’s why they believe in fairytales and Santa Claus. 

When we grow up, however, our brain facilities develop and we then create a filtering system through which certain information will not pass. 

Going back to the Santa Clause example, if I were to tell you now that Santa Claus DOES exist and he DOES fly all over the world in one night on a 12-reindeer-powered sleigh, you wouldn’t believe me one bit. Your filtering capacities are fully established, making it hard for you to believe this without prior evidence: did anyone actually see him? Did YOU see him? Do reindeers actually FLY?

This is good because as adults, we get to filter out what information is simply BS and what information is crucial to our survival and our success. 

But when we were children, without any filtering system in place, how much did we actually believe in that we never addressed?

Probably a lot.

The Most Common Limiting Beliefs about Money

Remember the old saying “money doesn’t grow on trees” or “money is the root of all evil”? These are really good examples of things we were told as children that we automatically believed in and never questioned. 

While we may have questioned the existence of Santa Claus by the time we were 7 years old, nobody told us to question the things our parents or caregivers told us about money. And because of that, they now follow us to this day.

So what are the most common limiting beliefs around money? Let’s have a look.

  • Money is the root of all evil.
  • Money doesn’t grow on trees.
  • Only greedy people want more money. 
  • Rich people are greedy. 
  • There isn’t enough money for everyone.
  • Having money is selfish.
  • You need money to make money.
  • Hold your money close.
  • Hard work equals more money.
  • The harder you work for something, the more you make. 
  • Money is hard to make. 
  • Money can’t buy happiness.
  • Money is made for spending it. 
  • You don’t deserve a lot of money.
  • Money is never enough. 
  • You can’t love your job and make a lot of money at the same time.
  • Having too much money means you’ll lose your values.
  • Money is power, and power is evil. 
  • Don’t desire money. Don’t desire power.
  • Getting rich is a matter of luck or fate.
  • If you have a lot of money, it means someone else will have less money.
  • You’re too young/old to make money.
  • You’re a woman, and women can’t make a lot of money. 
  • Money corrupts even the kindest of souls. 

And so on. The list continues.

These are just SOME examples of money statements that we most likely heard our parents say often, but without realizing, we too started to believe in them. 

After all, as children, we think that there is no one smarter and more correct than our parents (or caregivers), right?

How to Use Money Affirmations Correctly 

Okay. We now know where our beliefs come from, why these limiting beliefs don’t serve us, and how the brain shapes reality. But how do we use these affirmations correctly so that we can get the most pleasure and benefit out of them?

Here are some rules I want you to follow and remember: 

  1. Always use the Present Tense. While our brains may have developed better than the other species we cohabitate this Earth with, that doesn’t mean we are as smart as we give ourselves credit for. 

In fact, only our prefrontal cortex developed slightly larger than the other species. This means that we have cognitive capabilities that they don’t. We can think of concepts such as the future or the past, but our dog can’t think of “what he ate for dinner last night”. 

But even with this complex machine inside of our skull, we can still go wrong with programming it to do what we intend. 

For example, if we want affirmations to work, we can’t use any other tense than the Present Tense. This makes sense if we go back to the lesson on how the brain is formed. 

Just to recap, by the time thoughts become beliefs, they have been practiced mentally many times. And by the time they become beliefs, they are now stored in the subconscious brain. Meaning we don’t put in any active mental effort to think and believe them.

If beliefs are stored in the subconscious part of our brain, we now know that only the conscious part of our brain (involving the prefrontal cortex) can think of the past or the future.

That leaves us with the Present Tense. If beliefs are practiced in the present tense and become automatic, they are stored in the subconscious brain. If they are practiced in the Past Tense or Future Tense, they only make it to the prefrontal cortex. 

So Rule #1: Always use the Present Tense. Instead of saying “I’ll be rich when I grow up”, say “I am rich”. 

  1. Avoid using negations in your statements. The brain doesn’t understand words like “no”, “don’t”, “can’t”. These words don’t even have a tangible analogy for the brain to associate them with. They simply exist in our brain because they’ve been learned in life. That’s it. 

But if we use them in our affirmations, our brain skips any word that isn’t visual or has an analogy to it.

This is because our brains work with pictures and visuals. That’s why we were gifted the skill of “imagination” whereas other species can’t imagine. 

If I ask you to imagine an 18 ft tall giraffe eating shoots and leaves from a thorny acacia tree in the middle of a grassland in East Africa, you’d be able to picture that straight away. 

However, your cat is just thinking what is that moving thing underneath the kitchen table. It can’t imagine a mouse, let alone a giraffe eating shoots and leaves in the middle of East Africa. 

Just because we have this innate ability to imagine, plan, and think of concepts such as the past or the future, doesn’t mean our subconscious brain understands the language we use. 

Words like “no”, “don’t” , “want”, “won’t” don’t have a picture or visual associated with them. 

So if you say “I don’t want to be like my father”, guess how you’ll end up being once you grow up?

And if you say “Oh, but I’ve seen everything I don’t want in my life from my parents, so I won’t make the same choices as they did”, guess how similar those choices will actually be to the ones your parents used to make, and the very ones you vow you will avoid. 

To recap, the more vividly painted and visual the words in your affirmation, the better. Avoid negations all together and try to exclude words that don’t convey an image as much as possible. 

Instead of saying “I won’t be poor”, say “I am rich”. 

  1. Practice affirmations gradually, out loud, until they become your truths and beliefs. Practice saying your chosen money affirmations out loud, each day, in front of the mirror or wherever you are comfortable. The goal is to get confident and comfortable to say them out loud as if they really are your truths.

The reason why affirmations don’t work is not because your brain isn’t smart enough to understand the language you’re using or they are too woo-woo for you. 

None of these are actually true. Instead, what’s happening is that your brain might have formed some strong limiting beliefs that it holds on to so dearly and that will take much longer to disprove and replace. 

Let me give you an example. 

If the affirmation “I am rich and abundant. Money flows to me easily” doesn’t sound like something that could be true, that’s because it really isn’t true, for you, right now. Emphasis on those last 4 words. 

This means that there are stronger limiting beliefs you believe in more so than your current positive affirmation. 

Remember the dirt road and the highway? Your “I’m not rich and money is made through hard work” limiting belief is the highway, whereas “money flows easily to me” is a dirt road. 

The former has been practiced so much that the energy that travels through it goes at lightning speed (kind of like the way cars go fast on a highway). But the latter is still a dirt road. It takes longer for the neurons to fire and wire together, just the way it takes longer for you to travel by foot in a forest than by car on a highway. 

So if an affirmation makes you skeptical that it might work, that’s because your brain doesn’t have enough evidence to disprove it. 

The best way to tackle this and change limiting beliefs to supporting beliefs is by practicing gradual affirmations. 

These are in between thoughts that your brain will agree with and won’t sound so far off. 

If “I am rich and abundant” sounds far off to you, try starting with “I attract a level of money in my life that I am proud of”. 

  1. Practice looking for evidence for your newfound beliefs. As easy as it may sound, this is the most crucial step because without it, all that work won’t pay off.

In reality, just because we find a way to “uninstall” a limiting belief, it doesn’t mean that automatically the universe will line up its opposite belief and have it appear in our life. 

Actually, we just made space for a new belief to be installed. And if we don’t do the work to properly install the beliefs we want, the universe will give us experiences that tend towards chaos so that we can evolve and bring into our reality that which we want to create. 

Tongue twister, am I right? 

But think about it, if we stop at step 3, we’ve just half-assed our whole assignment. It’s like starting an essay, writing the perfect introduction with thought-provoking middle content, only to leave the reader dissatisfied that the ending was 2 sentences long and nowhere near what was expected. (Like what Game of Thrones did with that last season.)

So how do you go about finding evidence to support the beliefs you want? You take it gradually, example by example. Just like step #3, you don’t jump from “I’m poor, here’s why…” all the way to “I’m rich because I have a mansion” if that’s not your current reality. 

You look for all the ways that your supporting belief is true. For example, you might note why you are rich by enumerating the assets you own, the friends and family in your life, and the connections you have from school, work, college, or more. 

You might also start practicing more gratitude every time you see your salary in you bank account, instead of fearing that it will soon be gone. 

What we believe in, we attract. What we have more evidence of, we believe even stronger. 

35 Powerful Money Affirmations 

Having discussed why we attract our current financial situation and how we go about changing it, let’s look at some powerful money affirmations to replace our limiting beliefs with. 

  • I attract money like a magnet. 
  • Money flows in my life with great ease.
  • Money is just an exchange of value. 
  • I value my services and my prices reflect that. 
  • My financial net worth is growing every day.
  • I am grateful for the money I make, the money I keep, and the money I allocate for various things in my life. 
  • Day by day, I feel more financially stable, independent, and free. 
  • I am enough to attract money. I am smart, helpful, and worthy of taking anybody’s time. Knowing that I am good enough makes me feel comfortable, confident, and secure. 
  • Life continues to pour good fortune and wealth my way. 
  • I always attract the right opportunities, at the right time. There is always an abundance of opportunities for me. 
  • For every dollar I spend, it comes back tenfold. 
  • Large sums of money come to me with ease.
  • Making money, having money, and spending money all come natural and easy for me. 
  • I love money and all it does for me.
  • Money helps the world and everybody in it.
  • Prosperity and financial abundance are drawn to me with ease.
  • Money allows me to be giving. There is always an abundance of money.
  • I am wealthy, healthy, and happy. 
  • I constantly attract opportunities that create more money.
  • My bank account is ready to explode with more money than I can imagine.
  • Money is like oxygen. There is always an abundance of money for everyone on the planet.
  • Wealth constantly flows into my life. 
  • I acquire wealth with ease. 
  • I allocate my money as I see fit. There are always more opportunities to make more money. 
  • I constantly invest in myself, my growth, and my knowledge. More money is a result of this. 
  • I am spiritually able to handle all the money and abundance that’s sent my way.
  • I have financial freedom and I am beyond grateful for this. 
  • I love money and money loves me back.
  • I have a thriving, prosperous relationship with my money.
  • I give and receive without expectations, and I am always amazed by what my life provides me. 
  • It is enjoyable to earn so much money.
  • I make wise, empowered, and aligned financial decisions.
  • I align myself to the vibration of wealth. 
  • I trust money.
  • I can easily afford anything I want or need.

P.S: Keep an eye out for our brand new money affirmations deck that releases all limiting money beliefs and evokes a new money mindset into your life. You’ll be able to find the Money Affirmation Deck later in the Shop section as well as through various posts on the website (including this one).

The future is full of cash. 🤑


Money affirmations are a powerful way to train your brain to look for supporting beliefs. The more your brain is trained to do such things, the less you’ll be affected in life by any uncontrollable or unforeseeable situation. 

When you put these affirmations to use and apply various strategies to acquire wealth, your potential of how much money you can make will be uncapped. And the nice thing about them is that they work for all ages and all backgrounds!

Just practice the ones you like most and see your life transform in the next few months!

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