How to Stick to Your Routine Even When Depressed

How to Stick to Routine When Depressed

Depression is a real mental health problem affecting over 50 million Americans each day (Mental Health America). Considered one of the biggest mental health disorders today, depression can really stunt your personal growth and any progress made so far. It can go as far as barely making you get out of bed or making yourself a nice meal. 

So what should you do if you want to stick to your productive routine without letting depression get in the way (by possibly treating it too in parallel)?

If you’re struggling with depression, it can feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders—leaving even the simplest parts of your routine, like getting dressed or making a cup of coffee, feeling impossible. I get it. Life doesn’t stop for your mental health, and the pressure to “keep up” can make everything feel even heavier.

But here’s the thing: you don’t have to do it all. It’s okay to take things slow, and it’s okay to let go of the expectation that you have to follow your routine perfectly. 

In fact, I believe that when we embrace small, intentional steps, we can still feel like we’re moving forward—even on the hardest days. In this post, I’m sharing a few simple ways to stick to your routine when you’re feeling low. These tips are all about progress, not perfection. So, let’s take it one step at a time, together.

Start Small—Tiny Steps, Big Impact

When you’re feeling down, even getting out of bed can seem like a huge win. So, let’s start there—with a win. Rather than overwhelming yourself with a long list of to-dos, try focusing on just one small, simple task. Maybe it’s making the bed, or maybe it’s just getting dressed into something comfortable. These little actions are more powerful than they seem because they give you a sense of accomplishment, even when your energy feels low.

The key is to keep it small. Starting with tiny tasks, like having a glass of water or opening the blinds, helps you build momentum without adding any pressure. When you see yourself ticking off even the simplest items on your list, it shifts your mindset. Suddenly, you’re not just going through the motions; you’re moving in the right direction, one small step at a time.

Reframe Your Expectations—Give Yourself Grace

If you’ve ever tried to push through a bad day with the expectation that you should be functioning at full capacity, you know how quickly that can backfire. It’s easy to feel guilty when you don’t stick to your usual routine, especially when you’re already dealing with depression. But here’s something important to remember: it’s okay to adjust your expectations.

Depression doesn’t operate on a schedule, so why should your routine? It’s crucial to give yourself grace and be flexible with your day. If your normal routine feels too much right now, scale it back. If you usually work out for 30 minutes but can only manage a 5-minute stretch, that’s perfectly okay. The point is not about perfection—it’s about doing what you can, when you can. Adjusting your expectations allows you to keep moving forward without the added pressure of unrealistic goals.

Prioritize Self-Care—The Basics First

When you’re feeling low, it’s easy to let even the basic necessities slip through the cracks. Things like eating, staying hydrated, or getting enough sleep can feel unimportant when depression takes over. But the truth is, these small acts of self-care are your foundation—they’re the non-negotiables that keep you grounded when everything else feels unmanageable.

Start with the basics: drink a glass of water, have a snack (even if it’s something simple like a piece of fruit or toast), and rest when your body needs it. These might not feel like big wins, but they’re essential. Think of it this way: you can’t build or stick to a routine if the foundation isn’t there. Even when your energy is at its lowest, caring for yourself in these small, simple ways can make a huge difference.

And remember, self-care isn’t selfish. It’s not about bubble baths and spa days (although those can be nice too); it’s about taking care of your body and mind so you have the strength to keep going.

Find a Routine That Feels Nourishing, Not Draining

When depression strikes, a rigid, overly ambitious routine can feel suffocating. Instead of trying to force yourself into a strict schedule, ask yourself: What feels manageable? What will actually help me feel better? Your routine should work with you, not against you.

For example, if you’re used to a morning filled with back-to-back tasks, consider starting with just one calming activity instead. Maybe it’s journaling for five minutes, taking a short walk outside, or sitting quietly with your favorite tea. Whatever feels soothing and realistic for you in the moment is enough.

The goal here isn’t to stick to a perfect routine—it’s to create one that meets you where you are. By prioritizing activities that nourish your mind and body, you can rebuild your energy without feeling like your routine is just another obligation.

Accountability and Support—You Don’t Have to Go It Alone

One of the hardest parts of depression is how isolating it can feel. It’s easy to believe you’re alone in your struggle, but you’re not. Sharing your routine—or even your small wins—with someone you trust can be a powerful motivator. Whether it’s a friend, partner, or therapist, having someone check in with you can make sticking to your routine feel less daunting.

If reaching out feels like too much, even something as simple as sending a quick text to say, “I did X today” can help. Or, if you prefer something less personal, consider joining an online community or forum where others share their own progress. There’s no right or wrong way to ask for support—it’s about finding what works for you.

Depression may make it hard to stay consistent, but having someone in your corner, cheering you on, can make all the difference.

Set Realistic Goals—The 1% Rule

When you’re feeling down, it’s tempting to want to “fix everything” all at once. But trying to make big changes when your energy is already depleted is a recipe for burnout. Instead, focus on what I call the 1% rule.

The idea is simple: aim for tiny, incremental progress rather than massive leaps. Maybe today, you set a goal to clean just one corner of your space instead of tackling the entire room. Or maybe your goal is to respond to one email rather than clearing your inbox. By breaking tasks into bite-sized pieces, you set yourself up for success without overwhelming yourself.

The beauty of the 1% rule is that it adds up. One small action leads to another, and over time, you’ll notice progress—even if it feels slow at first. And remember: every step forward, no matter how small, is still a step forward.


Depression has a way of making everything feel heavy, but sticking to your routine—even in small, imperfect ways—can help lighten the load. Whether it’s focusing on tiny wins, adjusting your expectations, or leaning on someone for support, what matters most is that you’re showing up for yourself in whatever way you can.

You don’t have to have it all figured out today, or even tomorrow. Progress isn’t linear, and it’s okay to have days where all you manage is the bare minimum. What’s important is that you keep trying, no matter how small the steps feel.

If you’re navigating depression and trying to stick to a routine, I’d love to hear what’s been working for you—or what you’re struggling with. Share your thoughts in the comments below, and let’s support each other. We’re all in this together.

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